Property Prices:
Residential Property Price Index 1993 - 2016
Residential Property Price Index, Dec 2016
Australian House Price Index 2002-2017
House Price Index: Sydney, Brisbane, Melbourne
Long-run trends in housing price growth
RBA: Housing turnover and first-home buyers
Australian Housing trends:Allianz
Housing Finance:
Housing Finance (Census) 1975 - 2017
Available from the Library
12 factors that influence house prices (2015)
Foreign investment reforms (2015)
Australian housing market: causes and effects of rising price
Housing affordability crisis (2016)
Pre-budget submission to Australian Govt (REIA) 2017
NAB: housing market update (Sept 2016)
Business Insider: Australia's significant housing shortage
First homebuyers' scheme slammed (Apr 2017)
Australians trapped in rental market (Apr 2017)
Government considers superannuation ... (Apr 2017)
Victorian Government: new stamp duty policy (Apr 2017)
Victorian Government axes stamp duty (Apr 2017)
Scott Morrison's address to AHURI (Apr 2017)
Henry tax review implications for property market (2013)
Reserve Bank of Australia - Media Release Statements
Statements by Glenn Stevens, Governor: on Monetary Policy decisions
Australian Government - Budget Overview
Budget Overview is an overview of key budget aggregates and the Government's budget priorities.
Treasury - Australian Government
Australian Government Policy topic - the Economy
Centre for Economic Development in Australia
CEDA provides thought leadership and policy perspectives on the economic and social issues affecting Australia
IPA - Institute of Public Affairs
The Institute of Public Affairs is an independent, non-profit public policy think tank, dedicated to preserving and strengthening the foundations of economic and political freedom
AHURI - Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute