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Geography: The Aral Sea

Aral Sea

Aral Sea, Kazakh Aral Tengizi, Uzbek Orol Dengizi, a once-large saltwater
lake of Central Asia. It straddles the boundary between Kazakhstan to the
north and Uzbekistan to the south.  Encyclopedia Britannica

National Geographic

Children run past ruined ships abandoned in sand that once formed the
bed of the Aral Sea near the village of Zhalanash, in southwestern Kazakhstan

Aral Sea Recovry

The desiccation of a remote island lake in Central Asia is one of the world's
worst ecological disasters. Now, with an $85 million engineering project, the
doomed sea is coming back to life.

Waiting for the Sea  BBC News

The Aral Sea Experiences Second Birth

Kazakh and World Efforts to Restore the Island Sea

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