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Year 9 Humanities
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Year 9 Humanities: Economics
Legal Studies and Politics
Industrial Revolution
Australia's tech future
$14bn growth for digital economy
‘Can’t stop it’: Australians urged to embrace digitisation of the economy
Technology and the Future of Australian Jobs
Australia now has world's highest minimum wage
Wages in Asia and the Pacific and the Arab States
The reason you aren't getting a pay rise
Spillovers to Australia from the Chinese Economy
Climate change costs will have knock-on effect on interest rates, Reserve Bank warns
Compound Costs: how climate change is damaging Australia's economy
Climate change and the economy are linked — it's time the Morrison Government accepts that
What are the full economic costs to Australia from climate change?
Australia to bear brunt of China virus slowdown
Coronavirus hit almost half of Australian businesses even before social distancing, ABS reveals
After coronavirus: Where the world economy will stand
Experts on how coronavirus will wallop Australia's economy – and what the government must do
Economic Response to the Coronavirus
Spillovers to Australia from the Chinese Economy
If China's economy crashes Australia will be hit hard, report says
Australia and the China Slowdown
Here's How Much a China Slowdown Would Hurt Australia's Economy
China whispers of economic Armageddon, why Australia should be worried
Up In Smoke: Australia’s Bushfires Darken Economic Outlook
Economic impact of Australia's bushfires set to exceed $4.4bn cost of Black Saturday
With costs approaching $100 billion, the bushfires are Australia’s costliest natural disaster
Australian bushfires: Blazes taking toll on economy
Exchange Rates and the Australian Economy
What happens when the $AU goes up or down?
Australian dollar decline holds best hope for economy to escape trade war fallout
Aussie dollar won't help economy despite hitting 17-year low
Weak Aussie dollar good for miners, not for fashion
Legal Studies and Politics
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