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Year 9 Humanities
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Year 9 Humanities: Geography
Legal Studies and Politics
Industrial Revolution
Australian Bureau of Statistics
CIA World Factbook
International Trade Centre: Trade Map
About sugar
Australian Department of Agriculture - sugar
Sugar: world markets and trade
Sugar Australia - Industry information
Engage the Chain: sugarcane
OEC: Raw sugar
Does not include statistics for processed sugar.
The geography of sugar
Barley profile
Barley Australia: key facts and figures
Barley production quantity
World's leading barley producing countries
The leading barley producing countries in the world
OEC: Barley
Australian Department of Agriculture - wool
Wool supply chain
The world's top wool producing countries
OEC: Wool
The Global Wool Market: The Good, the Bad and the Prospects
OEC: Lead ore
Lead facts
Scroll down to "international context"
Top lead exports by country
Geoscience Australia - lead
List of tea producing countries
Where is tea grown?
The amazing supply chain of a cup of tea
World tea production and trade Current and future development
Australian Department of Agriculture - red meat
Engage the Chain: beef
Beef and buffalo (cattle) meat production
The Queensland beef supply chain
Published by the Queensland Government, this document contains a fantastic overview of the beef supply chain, complete with diagrams.
Global snapshop: beef
OEC: Bovine meat
Does not includes statistics for live exports.
Australian Department of Agriculture - cotton
Cotton production by country
Cotton imports by country
Cotton exports by country
Unravelling the cotton supply chain
OEC: Cotton
OEC: Iron ore
Ferro-giants: the world's biggest iron ore producers
Iron ore imports by country
Iron ore exports by country
How the iron ore market works
Iron ore supply chain
Australian Department of Agriculture - wheat
Wheat feeds the world
Engage the chain: wheat
Wheat in the world
While published in 2002, this chapter from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN provides an excellent overview of where wheat is grown, the ideal conditions for growth, and the connection between places.
OEC: Wheat
Australian Department of Agriculture - red meat
Global snapshot: sheepmeat
Global sheep meat market
Lamb export
Lamb import
OEC: Sheep and goat meat
Does not include live export statistics
Engage the Chain: cocoa
How to trade cocoa
Cocoa production in a nutshell
Cocoa exports
Cocoa imports
OEC: Cocoa beans
OEC: Gold
Top ten gold producing countries
Gold exports by country
Gold imports by country
Exploring the gold supply chain
Industrial Revolution
Fashion >>