This French drama tells the story of a group of young heroes fighting for freedom from Nazi occupation who join forces to produce a newspaper. (Duration 55:50)
In picturesque Montmartre in 1942, three children wearing a yellow star play in the streets, oblivious to the darkness spreading over Nazi-occupied France. Stars Jean Reno. (In French with English subtitles)
Duration: 2:00:18
This is the incredible true story of Nancy Wake, the daring allied spy who became the Gestapo's most wanted woman in WWII. Codenamed The White Mouse for her elusiveness, this international femme fatale was a key inspiration behind Sebastian Faulkes' celebrated fictional spy Charlotte Gray.
Duration: 52:14
Which of us cannot remember a moment when we did or said precisely the wrong thing, irretrievably, irreparably? Such moments are rare, and they occur most often in childhood, before we have been trained to think before we act. "Au Revoir les Enfants" ("Goodbye, Children") is a film about such a moment, about a quick, unthinking glance that may have cost four people their lives. The film was written and directed by Louis Malle, who based it on a childhood memory. His story takes place in 1944, three new students are enrolled in a Catholic boarding school in Nazi-occupied France. We realize immediately that they are Jews, disguised with new names and identities in an attempt to hide them from the Nazis.
Duration: 1:37:42
Lucie Aubrac was a real life heroine of the French Resistance during World War II. Starring Carolie Bouquet, Daniel Auteuil.
English subtitles.