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Years 5 and 6: Countries

Britannica and World Book online

Remember to search for information about your country in

Britannica, World Book online.

Links to these are on the Loreto Portal, Library Online Resources page.


Search using the words Jamaica, Italy, Canada and France to find information about your topic. Remember that there are 3 levels of information!

World Book

Search in Kids or in Student using the words Jamaica, Italy, Canada and France to find information about your topic. Remember that there are 3 levels of information!


Canada by Kiddle Encyclopedia online.

Canada by National Geographic Kids.

Canada Geographic Facts by National Geographic Kids.



France by Kiddle Encyclopedia online.

France by National Geographic Kids.

France Geographic Facts by National Geographic Kids.


Italy by Kiddle Encyclopedia online.

Italy by National Geographic Kids.

Italy: Facts and history by Kidcyber.

Italy Geographic Facts by National Geographic Kids.


Jamaica by Kiddle Encyclopedia online.

Jamaica by National Geographic Kids.

Jamaica by Britannica Kids.